Sunday, December 16, 2012

New blog!

If you are reading this then you have found our new blog!  Don't worry, the other one won't go away.  I am going to hopefully download it to cds/dvds for the girls to keep since that will probably be the only "scrapbooking" I do for them :)  But apparently blogger has rules about the number of pictures one can upload and we have officially reached that max on our other blog.  Thanks for checking out our new page!


  1. If you keep your pictures at 800x600 pixles or less, they are "free" and don't count toward your max space. I've had to go into my picasa web albums and resize a bunch of photos to keep adding more to our blog. I suppose there's a way to do it BEFORE posting them, but I don't know about that. Just a hint that I found to keep uploading and adding without paying! :) Glad your blogging isn't gone - it's a joy to read about and "see" your family!

  2. I had to do the very same thing!
    Just in case, my new blog is:

    Also, what are your email and mailing addresses?
    Miss you girl!
